Friday, December 4, 2015

The Success of the Claus Art Project

Jon-Paul and Christina McGowan
Texas Renaissance Festival, November 2015
 After the success of the 'Father Christmas' Project in  2014  we added the 'Mrs. Claus' Project for 2015.  On November 27, 2015  the DH and I took our outfits to the Texas Renaissance Festival for their annual Celtic Christmas Costume Contest.  As a couple we took first prize against a large field of contestants.  We won season tickets to the 2016 faire, as well as a slew of items in a nice goodie bag.  We were popular with photographers that day.  The photos included here are from the KHOU television station's site and their coverage of the weekend.  I think they mistook us for cast, which is a great compliment. 

Since then I have been continually asked two questions, "How did you make them?", and  "Now that you have won, what will be your next art piece?"   As for the art piece question, a gauntlet has been thrown by the DH to make a special gown art piece for the munchkin.  The idea he tossed out will depend on if he could get her to wear theatrical make up.   Asking our munchkin to wear a pretty dress, trust me is not a challenge.  She continually comes up to me while I'm sewing or going through my fabric stash asking, "Mummy is this a new dress for me, or you or dada?"  Trust me, getting that kiddo into a costume won't be a problem.

The second question of "How did you make those outfits?"  wasn't so easy to answer.  I actually started a blog a while back but somehow it got lost in the mists of the internet, so I am going to try again.   I will be breaking down each of our outfits into it's different pieces and give you the how's the what's and the where's.   I will start with Father Christmas as he was the  2014 project.

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