Friday, December 11, 2015

Flamingo Project - Part Three

Duff, the PP, and the Baby Pink Pirate -photo courtesy of the Texas Renaissance Festival

After how well the DH's outfit came out, we got to thinking we needed to update the other flamingo's outfit. He has not had the best year in 2013, and we thought this might cheer him up. 

We essentially did a hybrid of the DH's Pirate coat and his linen.  We used the same pattern as the linen, but got our hands on the last of the Pink upholstery from the pirate.  As much as I hate the pattern for the loops done for the CF closer, I did them for Duff.  Despite the annoyance of them, they came out well for him.

Fabric Used:
Outer fabric: Medium magenta pink Upholstery weight micro suede
Lining: We used left over cotton broad cloth for the top part lining, while used a white polyester crep du chein for the skirt portion.
Trim: Plum/Magenta/black/ pink 3/4" wide trim goes down the front edge, and on the Eppalets. We were going to put a gold/ pink trim around the hem and on the epalets but it didn't look right on the doublet for him. 

Conclusion: I think it turned out nice on him. It used the pieces he already had and simply updated his look.  Sadly life has not allowed him to come out to faire since then, but that doesn't mean we are not continuing to try to get him there. 

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